** 感謝課程圓滿結束! 經過學員熱烈參與、互動交流、引領接下來讀書會!!
 ** 研讀書籍:Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully 

                                                                                                        Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) Therapy

  當癌症病人之疾病進展到無法治癒階段,例如腫瘤有遠端轉移,或者不適宜進行手術根除時,屬晚期癌症(advanced cancer)階段。然而,晚期癌症病人仍可持續接受治療以緩解症狀。但是病人與家屬面對疾病的威脅,須面對較複雜的治療決策、疾病因應、對家庭與重要他人關係改變、死亡焦慮、存在意義以及如何保持希望等挑戰。針對晚期癌症病人及其照顧者的心理社會照顧,加拿大多倫多大學附屬GIPPEC(The Global Institute of Psychosocial, Palliative and End-of-Life Care)的主任Dr. Gary Rodin發展出CALM(Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully Therapy)的心理治療模式,其主要基本架構、重要歷程、核心議題如下:


有鑑於CALM對於晚期癌友照護之重要性,TPOS 今年特別邀請CALM創始人 Dr. Gary Rodin來台舉辦CALM工作坊,機會難得、人數有限,請即刻報名

 (台灣心理腫瘤醫學會有效會員並繳清 112 年度(含)以前常年會費者。)
* 課程對象:各醫療院所之醫師、護理師、社工師/社工、心理師、關懷師、長照及有志從事相關領域之人士。

Gary Rodin M.D
Former Head, Department of Supportive Care, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Director, Global Institute of Psychosocial, Palliative and End-of-Life Care (GIPPEC)
Workshop Objectives

  • Understand the CALM rationale, theoretical foundations, therapeutic domains & therapeutic processes
  • Explore the application of CALM as illustrated through case presentations, from first session to termination, including engaging in CALM therapy with couples
  • Practice applying CALM therapeutic skills with standardized patients
  • Provide an opportunity to apply CALM therapy to your own cases
  • Discuss CALM case supervision opportunities
  • Discuss the research on CALM therapy
About CALM Therapy
Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) is a brief, manualized, evidence-based, psychotherapeutic intervention designed to alleviate distress and to promote psychological well-being in individuals with advanced or metastatic cancer and their loved ones.
Developed by Gary Rodin MD, and Sarah Hales MD PhD, CALM focuses on four content domains that address the practical and profound issues commonly faced by individuals with metastatic cancer:

  1. Symptom management and communication with health care providers
  2. Changes in self and relationships with close others
  3. Spirituality, sense of meaning and purpose
  4. Sustaining hope and facing mortality

訪客人數:14人 瀏覽人數:184436人